Friday, July 2, 2010


I’m Angie Sweigart-Gallagher, Endstation Theatre Company’s Education Director. The role carries with it two primary responsibilities: I oversee our Educational Outreach Program, as well as our Intern Program. Our Educational Outreach Program includes theatrical workshops at local schools. This year we performed The Complete Works of William Shakespare [Abridged] at area high schools and did an interactive storytelling workshop inspired by Alice in Wonderland at local elementary schools. (See Susan Myburg’s blog from May 29th).

So, by this point in the festival our Educational Outreach Program has largely wound down.

Much of my duties in terms of our Intern Program happened before we even arrived at this year’s BRSTF. I solicited and organized applications, set up interviews, and helped hire our current set of interns.

At this point in the season, though, being the Educational Director feels a lot like being Team Mom to our Interns. I take them to get their allergy shots, other doctor’s appointments, and to other off campus excursions.

“Tania (Costumes) and Jessica (Stage Management) had to be separated because they kept kicking each other in the back seat”

I try to make sure that their schedules leave enough time to play…

“Claire (Lighting) is getting much better at keeping the ball in play”

...And Get Plenty of sleep.

“Hillary (Scenery) enjoys story time after lunch and before her afternoon nap”

I also want to be sure they are getting plenty to eat. So, I help organize our weekly Intern lunch, and extol the virtues of whole grains and vegetables…

“Ryan (Scenery) has a healthy appetite, and only occasionally spits up.”

Unfortunately, part of the job of Educational Director is also managing any potential problems our interns might have adjusting to life at the festival. For example, if or when any of our Interns has a problem with their housing arrangements, or has an issue emerge between one of their colleagues or supervisors I am here to help.

“Tanya (Paints) occasionally gets a boo-boo.”

“Catherine (Paints) was incredibly upset after George (Acting Intern—not pictured here) bit her.”

Like any good mom, my role as Educational Director also involves the occasional and unfortunate need to instill discipline and make sure that everyone is on their best, most professional behavior.

"Brian (not actually an intern—but very naughty) and I in a “hand-to-seat conference” after he told one too many dirty jokes to Chris (Stage Management Intern—not pictured)."

In reality (which isn’t nearly as funny in photographs), this year’s interns are really wonderful. They’ve done an amazing job so far, and I know they are all going to go on to have great careers after they leave us (sniff, sniff) at the end of the summer.

So, I am also the Development Coordinator, which means I help Endstation Theatre practice the art of creative begging…Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to our Educational Outreach Program today. but that’s a blog for another day and another time.

1 comment:

Geoffrey Kershner said...

This gets my vote for best blog post thus far!