Let's go ahead and get this out of the way: I am the marketing & communications director for Endstation. Technically, it is my job to promote what we do and make it look fun. Well friends, hear me when I say that this entire blog post, my ode to outdoor theatre, is straight from the heart (excuse the cliche). While it is true that my job entails promoting our events, with outdoor theatre, there is no spin necessary, no gimmick needed. It is one of the most unique and exciting theatrical experiences an audience can . In short: I don't need to try to make this look cool. It just is.
While musicals and small, intimate venues have their own charm for me, the experience of outdoor theatre is like nothing else. If you have ever looked out your window on a beautiful day and thought to yourself "how can I best take advantage of this?" - outdoor theatre is the right answer.
I might just explode.
We are so happy to be able to offer you local wine at each performance this year, so you can not only enjoy a glass while you experience Twelfth Night, but you can also learn what Amherst and Nelson Counties have to offer. There is so much great wine in Virginia, and we are happy to bring it to you.

So, if you are now even half as excited as I am, get your tickets today. Reserved section has been selling fast, and is limited.
Finally, bring someone who isn't a "theatre person," along for the ride. If there was ever a show/place/experience to win them over, this is the one.
With love,
Ashley Kershner
Communications Director
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