The Series begins! Expanded in size, caliber, and scope, the 2011 Series showcases the work of 6 emerging, professional playwrights from all over the country. 10 original works in 5 days.
For our third annual Initiative, our Resident Playwright Joshua Mikel and myself invited 3 Visiting Playwright Fellows for the month of July alongside 2 Special Guest Playwrights for a more limited duration.
These playwrights, housed on Sweet Briar's bucolic campus, are provided unstructured time, space, and artistic feedback, as they endeavor development on work both pre-written and born on campus.
This afternoon we opened the Series with the first two of our AD HOC Readings. A successful afternoon all around. Do not miss these readings. We have our strongest group of playwrights yet and I am incredibly proud to showcase this work to our company, our patrons, and our community.
Ad Hoc Reading Series
July 12 & 13 @ 1pm (Babcock Fine Arts Center)
Our Resident Playwright, Joshua Mikel and our three Visiting Playwright Fellows present pre-written dramatic work still in development. Four playwrights. Four readings. Two days.
Special Guest Reading Series
July 14 @1pm (Babcock Fine Arts Center)
Our former Resident Playwright, Jason Chimonides returns alongside a former Visiting Playwright Fellow, Daniel Caffrey for a special readings series of two original works of dramatic literature by emerging professional playwrights.
Posthaste Reading Series
July 21 & 22 @12pm (Babcock Fine Arts Center)
Our Resident Playwright and three Visiting Playwright Fellows return for a reading of wholly original work born on Sweet Briar College's campus. A showcase of the fruits of artistic residency through Endstation Theatre Company and the Blue Ridge Summer Theatre Festival.
Lucy Gillespie (New York City)
Tearrance Chisholm (Washington, D.C.)
David Roby (Sewanee, TN)
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Michael Stablein, Jr.
Head of Playwrights Initiative
Endstation Theatre Company
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