Wednesday, July 9, 2008


It's official! We are open! We reached the summit! It was wonderful to share our work on The Bluest Water with an audience tonight. We have turned the page on another chapter in the Endstation book.

We had a surprise visit from WDBJ 7 today. We threw up the bat symbol and got everybody together to create footage for the story that aired on their 6 o'clock news tonight. If you follow this link you can see the coverage they did on The Bluest Water.

Tomorrow...R & J!!!

Geoffrey Kershner
Endstation Blogger and Artistic Director


shelbyS said...

Geoffrey - Congratulations on your production of the impact of Hurricane Camille on Nelson County all those years ago! My son, Jason, was five months old on this night and I well remember standing with him in my arms and looking outside and watching the rain fall, totally unaware of the tragedy unfolding just a short thirty or so miles away. My father was a member of the Monelison Rescue Squad and spent many days and night searching for survivors throughout the region that was hardest hit. Some years ago, a friend of my husband's, David Purvis of Nelson County, wrote a song about Camille and as I remember, it did receive some air time on local radio stations. Maybe you have a copy of it. Your mother was a classmate of mine at SBC and I am very fond of both your parents. Hope the telling of this awful time in our neighboring county is all that you dreamed it to be. It is a fine thing that you have done. Am anxious to see it. Shelby Staples

Geoffrey Kershner said...

Shelby, I have fond memories of you and I can't wait for you to see our work. Thank you so much. -Geoff