We are rolling right along with rehearsals, and the actors have been working extremely hard to get the show up and ready. I am very happy to report that we are actually ahead of schedule, which is wonderful as they will have more time to focus on the details and really make the scenes and transitions sharp. These three gentleman came in on Sunday, dove right in, and have not stopped during this marathon rehearsal process.

One of the important elements of this show are all the props that are involved. We have been continuing to update our list everyday as the guys discover new things that they can use and plug in. Thankfully we were able to secure several items before rehearsals started so that the actors could have in hand and figure out if they were going to work or if we needed to find something different. Fortunately, several of the items we have are a go, and we can focus on securing the new items and figuring out other elements that are needed.

They have also been very gracious and creative in using various rehearsal props, until the real props are in hand, it has been fun watching them tie these elements together. Since this is a very fast paced show we have been working out the exact placement of where each of the items need to be at the top of the show, "stage right, stage left, in a box, over here, over there". They are able to double up on some items and so if a prop was SR for one scene it may end up SL or on stage for when they need it next. It can get complicated but the guys are hanging in there and we are figuring it all out.

Needless to say, when all is said and done this is going to be a really fun and entertaining show! I am so excited for the arrival of the Artistic Director himself and can't wait for him to see what the guys have put together so far. I am sure he will be very pleased, and can be proud to know that these actors have worked tirelessly to put together a quality production. Like I said it has been a marathon for these three guys, and we can all get a bit slap happy at times.....zany if you will, however focus always comes back and we get right back to it!

So here's to you Walter, Derek, and Michael, you guys are working your tails off and the show grows stronger with each rehearsal. I am so amazed at the creativity and results that have occurred in just three days, I can only imagine what another week and half will bring and I am ecstatic to think of the final product!!
We keep rolling on.......till next time!
Company Manager
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