I have known Michael for six years. He is one of the most dependable, talented, and exciting performers I know. I have very fond memories of Michael as an undergraduate at FSU. He worked harder than anybody there and his work ethic has followed him to his adult life in New York. Michael continues to impress me with his ambition, accomplishments, and pursuits. Please visit
American Laboratory Theatre.

This will be the fourth Endstation show Michael has done (fifth if we count both productions of
The Bluest Water). He has played Romeo, Demetrius, and Young Bobby. He will also play Laertes in
Hamlet this summer. On top of the roles Michael is playing he also runs our Playwrights Initiative.

I really believe in Derek. I had the pleasure and honor of teaching and directing Derek at Lynchburg College where he is entering his senior year. He played Orpheus in my production of Eurydice at LC and he continually impressed me with his scene work in class. Derek has something very special and I am excited to see what he brings to his work this summer.

This is Derek's fourth Endstation production. He was Neddy in
The Bluest Water and appeared in both our previous outdoor Shakespeares. He is also playing Horatio in this summer's production of
Hamlet. He gets to play with some very specific circumstances with this production's Horatio as well. (You have to come check it out... hint hint)


Walter. Walter. Walter. One of my dearest friends and an Endstation staple. This will be Walter's fourth Endstation production. Walter appeared in Endstation's very first production, The Mind of Poe. Last year he performed in My Brother's Knife and played Oberon in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Walter is a brilliant comedic actor and I can't wait to see what he brings to the Reduced Shakespeare Company's work.

Walter is also playing Hamlet for us this summer. Walter just finished playing Horatio in the Orlando Shakespeare Company's production of
Hamlet. This is also Walter's second time playing Hamlet. He performed the role for Jason Chimonides (
The Bluest Water playwright) at Florida State University. This production be considerably different from Jason's production (although very exciting) and there will be a very different approach for Walter with the role. I can't wait to see Walter's work.

I am so excited about this cast. These guys are as good as it gets and they are going to thrill and excite the audiences at Renaissance Theatre and in the public schools. Get ready! BRSTF 2010 here we go!!!
Geoffrey Kershner
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