Okay, so my blog is a little late. So freakin' kill me. I've just been working my butt off scoring and animating this little project. It's a teaser for my play Good Good Trouble on Bad Bad Island being presented by us folks here at Endstation for the 2010 Fringe Festival. Check it out.
I guess we've done some talking about this FRINGE thing, but haven't really explained it all that much. Here's the long and short of it.
I'm Joshua Mikel, co-director of the Playwright's Intensive here at Endstation. That's an official title that doesn't really carry a lot of duty until the intensive actually rolls around, and even then it doesn't mean much to me, because simply enough it means I do what I want to do: that's right, I write.

More or less calling myself the co-director of blah blah blah is just a way to make sure Geoff, Krista and the rest of the Endstation higher ups keep me around from summer to summer so I can come hang out up here at perhaps one of the world's most awesome places to be with perhaps the world's most awesome people to be with. Granted I've never been to any tropical islands or hung out with Bill Nye or Jack Nicholson.

So I wrote this play, Good Good Trouble on Bad Bad Island last summer for the first annual Endstation summer playwriting intensive (which initially was basically a fancy excuse for getting more of my friends to come hang out at this awesome place with me until Michael Stablein in all his Type A glory really lit a fire under our hineys and turned it into something real special). We had a reading of said play up here, and if I do say so myself, it went really well. So well in fact that a few weeks later I shipped it off to Playscripts publishing and then it got published. Yes, it wasn't that easy.

In the meantime I started talking to some friends of mine about submitting my play to Fringe NYC. For those of you not familiar with Fringe Festivals, they're basically where a lot of awesome new and edgy (whatever that means) theatre gets done in a short amount of time by a bunch of weirdos and folks who don't ever shave or shower. Think Woodstock but with
more drugs and rock and roll.
That's not exactly true. Anyhoo. I asked Michael for his help in submitting my play, and lo and behold we got accepted. I reached out to a few friends and assembled a veritable all star team of folks to help us make it happen.
So we got Mr. Michael Stablein Jr. producing this thing. I was mentioning to someone the other day that I'm so happy to have him on board. He is so on top of things he flies, you know what I mean?

We got Mr. Chad Larabee in the director's seat; an FSU alum from the MFA directing program (like Endstation Artistic Director, Geoff K.) with whom I worked with on The Spin Cycle Trilogy, his first directing project at Florida State. I was an even worse actor then. He was an even worse dresser then.

We got Miss Krista Franco. An MFA design/ tech alum from FSU. She designed my first ever production, Quentin G- and I was lucky enough to have her for some class at FSU that I paid too much out of state tuition for. She also did the design for my play My Brother's Knife here last summer. Also she's an excellent roommate. ALSO she makes a mean Eggplant Parm.

We got Dan Gallagher. I met him three or four years ago when he was doing lights for the first Endstation summer production here at Sweetbriar, The Tell Tale Heart and the Mind of Poe. I was also lucky enough to have him work his magic for My Brother's Knife. He is the perfect kind of dude to have on a team. Completely pro and the nicest dude ever.

We got Mr. Andrew Becker- technical director extraordinaire fresh out of his MFA program at Yale, yeah that's right Yale. And as if that wasn't enough, he's affianced to Miss Franco. Good life decisions are obviously his strong suit. Drew is the one on the left. I think.

We got miss Sally Southall doing the costumes. I'm sure glad she is, because I don't know anything about that stuff. She's the nicest lady around, worked on My Brother's Knife, and she kind of reminds me of my mother. That's a good thing.

We got Mr. Bryce Page doing sound design. He also worked on My Brother's Knife last summer and has worked on a few projects I've been in. He's an all around BAD MOTHER F'er, and if you ever need to know how to totally slim down and look like a total stud, ask that guy. Also, apparently, he likes motorcycles?

We got Miss Kathleen Connor stage managing this bad boy. I also worked on a bunch of stuff with her in my years at FSU. She is ultimately and undeniably the best SM I've worked with, and a nice lady to boot. She makes the... uh... tough calls.

And then of course we have Geoff, Ash, and Maria doing some big time helping with all their Endstation resources, moral support, and what have you. I mean, If putting together an awesome creative team were a competition, we'd of won it, and then we'd be spending the money on penny slots and all you can eat buffets, you know what I mean?
That's not the half of it though. We have a lot of work to do. You yourself, yes YOU can help us out. Join our facebook page here:
There you'll be able to learn more about the production, and in the page's info you'll find a link to help us by donating through the Endstation donation page. I mean, who wouldn't want to give us lots of money?!
That's all for now. I hope you enjoyed this post. I sure had a heck of a time writing it.
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