We are one week away from opening A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. AHHHHHH! and also YAAAAAY.
Today we look at an unsung hero. The man behind this fan:

Who is he? What does he do? Where does he come from? You may be asking yourself these very questions. Or you may say, that's Brian Chaitin. And if you said that. You would be right. It is indeed, Brian Chaitin. Our Stage Manager and Spotlight for tonight's blog.
Brian is constantly at work here with Endstation. He is an asset here with the company, as he is always willing to lend an extra hand. Always willing to learn something new. And ALWAYS with a smile on his face and such contagious positive energy that all who surround him are instantly eased. It's like a drug. And I know, I know Brian. I should have waited another week. But alas, I could not.

Tonight. The cast of A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM arrived to rehearsal to be met by rain and grey clouds. We thought we would be losing a rehearsal, which is very stressful this close to opening. And YET! As the rain passed, we came outside to our beautiful space to see new platforms, lights up, more costumes, more props, everything pre-set, it was as if magic had put them there just for us. No magic ladies and gentlemen. It was incredible. That is why today, tonight, you are our unsung hero. Thank you Brian. I know we have another couple weeks of this thing. And I know there is still loads of hard work to be done. But I also know it's going to be a wonderful delightful fun exciting run and we already have you to thank for a lot of that.
You're a STAR! (as Ryan would say)

-Natalie Caruncho
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