Well, we are in full swing of rehearsing Midsummer Night's Dream, and are now headed into our tech process. Everyone has kept a positive and great attitude, despite the sometimes very, very, warm days, humidity, and yes even rain. Various elements of the show are continuing to be added in during the runs each day. Costumes and set dressings are starting to make things come even more alive in the show, and in the telling of the story.

I think the entire cast would agree that this is a pretty physical show and we all get an intense workout throughout the course of the play. However, there is one particular group that really gets a run for their money so to speak.

Oh yes "The Lovers"...... Liz, John, Kirin, and Michael have been troopers as they have been working through their scenes. There is one particular section where they let totally loose and throw themselves and each other around the set. When they are "off stage" they are still constantly moving around the farther space in the "dell" area. I don't think they ever stop with the exception of when they are magically put to sleep by fairy magic, and even then they are silently fighting the various critters (ie. spiders, carpenter ants, gnats, flies, etc....) that like to crawl on them while lying at the foot of the big tree.

All four of these fine actors have put their heart into their characters and give it all they got. They do not hesitate to jump in and do what it takes to communicate the full effect of what their character is saying. Even if this includes rolling around in the mud and getting soaked by the end of the night.

I know that Ryan (Director) is proud of them and the entire cast, and we are excited to reveal our story to the patrons. We are happy that we are able to get some more runs in before we open, but the pace will really kick into high gear this weekend as all the elements begin to come together to communicate our telling of the story of Midsummer Night's Dream.

I will leave you with this little series:
"The Man Shirt"

Michael: Jon, how many times do I have to tell you that I am supposed to take my shirt off first!
Jon: What.....I....I

Michael: I don't want to hear your excuses!
Jon: Ok, ok....sorry!!

Michael: Ok apology accepted....put'er there.
Jon: Huh?

Micheal: Don't you listen! I said shake on it!
Jon: WHOA!

Jon: That's it! Two can play at this game!
Michael: (crying), ok ok ......I'm sorry..... you win!!!!
Michael: Wait a minute....I am not going down that easy!
Jon: Fine - let's do this!!
Michael and Jon: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

What?? Oh your right Kirin, how silly of me- the patrons will have to come to the show to see what happens next. Will Michael get his way, will Jon pulverize him, will they both run into the dell and be lost in oblivion??!!!! WHO KNOWS........so have you bought your tickets yet?
Until next time......
Maria Hayden
Company Manager
1 comment:
This was the best blog post of my life.
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