What were your expectations coming into the festival?
"Honestly, I didn't have too many expectations, since Endstation and the festival were new to me. I was just hoping to come in and soak it all up. I was looking forward to a new experience and I was ready to enjoy every minute of it."
Ok, so how has the festival experience been thus far, and how has it met your expectations (or lack of expectations)?
"It has been great, this is my first semi-professional gig, and I am having a lovely time. Everyone here is so talented, which can be intimidating but also has caused me to push myself to a higher level. I love the fact that everyone here is so diverse, that has been a breath of fresh air. I have really enjoyed getting to learn from new people, and I feel like I am kid in an ice cream shop where I can pick all different flavors to enjoy on the same cone...or basically it is a Prothro buffet"

What has your favorite festival memory been thus far?
"oh that's a hard one, there are some many to choose from...hmm...Michael's (Michael Stablein Jr.) master class I took with him for two hours the other day was amazing....or maybe when Josh (Mad Hatter) pours water on my head during the show.....although I have to admit being "forced" to sing karaoke makes the top of the list at this point"
What has been the funnest thing about playing Alice?
You are a recent college graduate (Spring 2010), so what do you hope to do after the festival ends?
"Well.....first i have to find a job...but eventually I would like to work professionally in theatre or film, and really enjoy what I am doing "
Well.....Katie I would say you are really enjoying what you are doing currently, and I think I speak for all of us when I say we have thoroughly enjoyed working with you. It has been neat to watch you make all sorts of discoveries throughout the show. Your smile and cheerful spirit are a joy for everyone, and you bring a special light to Alice. Kudos to you, and I hope you continue enjoying the adventure!
To all of you readers, I know you won't want to miss out on seeing this lovely lady along with the rest of the cast perform in this magical show that is Alice in Wonderland. I hope you all can join us for one or more of the performances between July 1- 11 (get your tickets here), and take a trip down the rabbit hole!
Until next time!
Company Manager
Well.....Katie I would say you are really enjoying what you are doing currently, and I think I speak for all of us when I say we have thoroughly enjoyed working with you. It has been neat to watch you make all sorts of discoveries throughout the show. Your smile and cheerful spirit are a joy for everyone, and you bring a special light to Alice. Kudos to you, and I hope you continue enjoying the adventure!

Until next time!
Company Manager
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