No, no we are not doing any musicals this year, however we did just come through our official opening weekend of the 2010 BRSTF. Ashley valiantly led the charge on the marketing/ PR push and it all paid off as we had a sold out house for opening night.

It was definitely an interesting day, and the actors were once again troopers as we had our last tech that very afternoon. We had a couple of hours in-between to grab a quick bite, change and begin our pre-show prep. Energy was high and everyone was getting excited as props were set, lights were tested, music cued, and costumes put on. We watched the theatre begin to fill from backstage on the monitor, and began to get excited.....I began to pace....

Since I am stage managing this show I have my own little routine that I go through before each performance. After everything is set, pre-show lights are up, music is playing, checked on the actors/crew, and checked with front of house, we all sit and wait....

During these brief moments I sit backstage in the dim light and listen to the mingling of audience voices, pre-show music, and last minute warm ups backstage. Sometimes I hear a familiar voice out in the audience and I smile trying to figure out which part of the show that particular person will like the best. I start to feel the old pre-show "butterflies" because even though I am not on stage for this one, the cues need to be just right and in a sense I am performing too. Will they like it? Will they laugh? Will they tell their friends to come see the show? Will the director be proud? Will I do everything right? I begin to pace again...then I take a deep breath and remember this is why we are here. All the hard work, all the rehearsals, all the all leads up to this moment, to this little spot in time. This particular place where for a few brief minutes we can take patrons on a journey, where they can laugh, gasp, and be drawn into this hilarious show. It's in these moments that I truly love what I do...

I soon break out of my sentimental, nostalgic moment and snap back into the task of getting the show on the road. I check with the house manager and give the final places call to the actors and run around to the stairs that lead to my booth for the evening. I scamper up the ladder and get settled into place, I quickly scan the audience and wait for the "all clear" so the first actor can be signaled. Then..... the show thought process begins, "bring up cue 2, oh there is Michael entering the stage, pre-show music out, next cue ready, turn page in script"....and away we go. From the very start the audience is already having a good time, and I can relax just a bit, focus on my job, and know that this is what we have been prepping for.

We go through the show intermission and all and at the end of evening on opening night the audience exploded with applause and jumped out of their seats to show their appreciation. The actors were glowing and grinning from ear to ear. WE DID IT!! They had a good time...they are going to tell their friends...I am sure the director was proud....and me, well I did ok too. That first night Claire was in the booth with me- we looked at each other, grinned and agreed that opening night was a success.
Every year since our first show in 2007 I have always tried to catch a shot of Geoff and Krista during an opening of one of the shows.
This was them back then:

and here they are in 2010:

Thank you to everyone who made our opening a success, we did this all for you, and we could not have done it without you. To those who have yet to see the show, you are in for a treat, and we can not wait to see you this weekend.....
Till next time~
Company Manager
Thanks Maria!!
Congrats guys! Wish I could be there this summer!
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