It is neat to watch the process continue as they work through the script and make adjustments and tweaks here and there to get just the right word, phrase, or movement to make the scene complete. There are some pretty emotional sections of the show and neither Ken or Sally are afraid to tackle those moments head on, willing to bring out the deepest emotions to communicate what their character is feeling at the time.

They both are truly seasoned and very talented actors and anyone that saw the show last year or will see the show this year, was and will be touched in some way by their performances. We all have a fun time in rehearsal and it is nice to know that everyone gets along so well. Ken and Sally (along with the rest of the cast) are willing to support one another as they try new things with their character or are willing to talk things out to figure out if a new idea would work or if there is a better way to move around the stage.
I think I speak for everyone when I say that this show would not be the same without the talents of Ken and Sally. They are wonderful actors and just good people through and through. I know I feel blessed and honored to be able to work with them, and it's not hard when they make it so easy! Both of them always have a smile on their face and there is definitely alot of laughter and good times when we are all together. Thank you Ken and Sally, for who you are and for what you both bring to this show. We are all better for it!!
Maria Hayden
Company Manager
Endstation Theatre Company
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