Hello Blogosphere! Its your resident lighting designer checking in. I hope everyone is having a great Fall! I am missing all my Endstation peeps, but its been great to hear what everyone is up to. I recently worked on a new production called Costa Rehab about three Iraq vets recovering in an Army hospital and the nurses who help them adjust to new realities. If you are in New York, please check it out! It runs November 3-19. http://www.mtworks.org/costa-rehab.html
In addition, we have started work on the 2012 BRSTF season. Chad, Krista and I are starting converstations about Big River and we are hard at work on lighting solutions for our outdoor productions. I know its a ways off, but I can't wait to get back and see these shows come together. Here is a research image for Big River that I was drawn to.
I have also been working on launching a website showcasing some of my lighting work. As any freelance designer will tell you, finding work is a full time job. Please check out the site:
Thanks to Joshua Mikel who helped with the layout of the site. He is here in Lock Haven, PA for the premier of his play Shelter at Lock Haven University.
Here is an image for an opera I designed: Ipigenia at Aulis that is up on the new website.

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