Monday, July 11, 2011

Don't Just Applaud, Sponsor an Artist!

Don't let our phenomenally gorgeous production of Twelfth Night distract you!

Don't let all that delicious Virginia wine and that unspeakably beautiful sunset go to your head!

Don't forget that we have artists (tempermental types) who need your love (they take plastic!), and who demand (they beg, actually!) to be humiliated in public all in the name of theatre!

Won't you help? Won't you Sponsor an Artist? It takes only a few moments...a few moments to make an artist smile--to make them eat 5 cheesy westerns in a minute, to wash a water buffalo, or to shave their head!

Won't you make a donation today, and make our world just a little sillier?

Go now to the Sponsor an Artist Blog.  Review each artist's profile, and click on the donate now link on their page to make a gift in their name. Or click here: Sponsor an Artist to make a general donation to the campaign.

Please, pretty please, we're down on one knee here...Sponsor an Artist today! 

Sponsor them so that they don't have to end the season with the shame of knowing they didn't meet their goal!

Look at them, don't they look sad?  Make them smile!  Sponsor an Artist today!

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