It's hard to believe that at this point next week, the festival will be over and everyone will be gone. It feels like just yesterday that I drove up here to Sweet Briar and auditioned, and now we only have five days left... I have to say that this has probably been the most exciting and fulfilling summer for me, as both an actor and a person. For one thing, I got to play with two of the raddest and most talented gents I know in Complete Works.

I am still a youngin' when it comes to acting, still in college and pretty green. I remember the day that Geoff called me and offered me the contract. I was ecstatic beyond belief, albeit scared shitless. Of course I knew Walter and Michael, having worked with them for the past two summers, but I never really developed a relationship with them. From day one though, we bonded quickly and effortlessly, to my relief. This show was an absolute blast, and all thanks to the two of them.
With Complete Works in full swing, we started up on Hamlet, which turned out to be even cooler than I could have anticipated.

The whole process was always exciting and fresh. The final product is not only a complete experience for the audience watching it, but also for me acting in it. From the environment to the ambience created by the lights and the music, this has truly been an incredible experience for me (even with all the sweat and crutch bruises).

So thank you Endstation, for a wonderful summer of incredible theatre, and for allowing me to be such an integral part of it all.

Until next time,
Derek Arey
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