Well.... here we are, about to enter into the final weekend of the 2009 Blue Ridge Summer Theatre Festival. It has definitely been an interesting year, followed by a fantastic summer. It is strange to think that in just a few days, actors and crew will be packing up and saying so long and then scattering to various places around the country. It is easy to start reflecting on the past several months, and although we have been focused on the summer, let us take a look back at the past 08-09 Endstation year in review:
The first big event that we were a part of was in October 08 at the annual Garlic and Wine Festival, that takes place at Rebec Vineyard. If you have never been, you are missing out on a neat experience. If you get a chance to go, take advantage and do it- plus if you make it out to the 09 Garlic Festival you might happen to catch some endstation faces!

After the Garlic Festival we continued to plan and figure out more festival details for the following summer. Since we are a non-profit organization we do alot of fundraising throughout the year. We knew that we wanted to have a Winter event, but were not quite sure what. Geoff remembered attending and being a part of a specific event in college, and decided we would do something similar, but of course with our own twists. This brings us to our February fundraiser, "Sonnets, and Chocolates". It was a night full of romance, entertainment, good times, and of course lots of chocolate and other various yummy sweets. We had some incredible acts and fantastic talent on the stage. Although planning was a bit stressful (including having to change our venue less than a week before the event) all worked out, and we had a wonderful magical evening:

We continued moving forward with fundraising, our small donor campaign, auditions, more planning of the summer, etc... Soon it was coming down to crunch time in April. Geoff and I began to have more frequent meetings, and many phone conferences with various individuals that would be involved with the festival. We met with the board and explained where things were and how they could help as we approached the festival. Soon folks began arriving into town, first Krista and Drew, and then slowly others began to make their way in. Dan our amazing lighting designer, Sally a fabulous costume designer, all of our wonderful out of state actors, and so many others.
Everyone was just in time for our Spring fundraiser, and kick off to the 09 BRSTF, a softball tourney and dinner. In mid-May we all converged onto the grounds of the Clifford Ruitian Club, and met the other softball teams head on in an all out battle of sheer talent on the field.

We soon found ourselves neck deep in rehearsals, set-building, designing, planning, etc... as the festival actually began. It is hard to believe that almost all 29 performances have passed us by. There are so many people that contributed to making this summer happen, and we are deeply grateful to all of you. Many countless hours of work in all aspects of the festival were spent and I think that all will agree that it was worth it. It has been amazing to watch the festival grow to what it is now, and to look ahead to the future.
I hope you had a chance to join us this summer, and if not remember it is not too late as we still have three more shows to go! If you were unable to attend this summer, due to some unfortunate reason (because really if you didn't join us - that is unfortunate). Then perhaps you will be able to join us at one of our events throughout this coming year, or definitely next summer.
There are some really exciting things happening just around the bend in the Endstation journey and you will want to stay tuned to see what all unfolds. Until then I bid you adieu, so long, and farewell..... until next time.
Maria Hayden
Company Manager