Here we are! Opening week! We are finishing up the final touches as we prepare for audiences starting on Wednesday. We will open our doors to audiences for The Bluest Water in just a couple of days. The opening night will be followed by a small reception and we will be joined by many who supplied us with stories of the storm through the play's creation process.
As we prepare for an audience, Romeo and Juliet also has added costumes. Costume designer Sally Southall has been working very hard to prepare both shows for this moment. Here you can see some shots of the Romeo and Juliet in costume.
On The Bluest Water end we are preparing lights and sound. We spent the weekend in tech rehearsals as sound designer Bryce Page and lighting designer Dan Gallagher refined their work, factoring in timing, volume, color , and coverage .
Away we go! Stay tuned this week as our updates on the blog will begin to cover performances. This is a brand new and exciting chapter in the Blue Ridge Summer Theatre Festival!
Geoffrey Kershner
Endstation Blogger and Artistic Director
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