We are in the middle of Week 5 of the festival and things are moving along very well. We are now in run throughs for both shows and both my father and I are able to get a sense of our shows as a whole. We can begin to see the big picture. It is very exciting.
I am particularly excited to see the growth in the The Bluest Water. Every day we step closer and closer to being performance ready. There is still much work to be done, but with every day the actors grow more and more. We are also beginning to see production elements enter the space, which is very exciting.
I have also had the opportunity to work with and to see progress with Romeo and Juliet. Here is a portion of Natalie Caruncho (Juliet) in rehearsal, tackling one of Shakespeare's most famous speeches.
Here is some of the actual work I have had the opportunity to do with Romeo and Juliet. Here is David Zimmerman (Tybalt) and Jared Anderson (Mercutio) in one of my fights for the show.
We continue moving forward. Stay tuned...
Geoffrey Kershner
Endstation Blogger and Artistic Director
Your fights are AWESOME, Geoff!!!
very very sneaky video man. very sneaky
Great fight! I never realized Jared was so tough. I'm really looking forward to seeing the show.
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