The Summer festival started out strong and is continuing on as such. Tonight (Wed) was the first night that both shows were rehearsing at the same time. It was the third evening of table work for Romeo and Juliet and the start of table work for the Bluest Water. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits as they are continuing to dive into the shows.

Here are some of the Bluest Water crew working through some scenes.
One of the exciting aspects of the Bluest Water production is that the script is continuing to undergo tweaks and revisions. We have been fortunate enough to have Jason Chimonides here in town with us this week. Jason and Geoff have been breaking down and dissecting the Bluest Water script in order to continue making changes and updates as they see fit. The cast members have been excited to share in the process as well by making suggestions, participating in the discussion, and reading aloud to see if each revision works.
Here you can see that Jason was particularly happy with a change he had made moments before.

Romeo and Juliet continued full steam ahead upstairs in the seminar room, as they have been breaking down Shakespeare all week. 
Our fearless Romeo and Juliet director, Bill Kershner deep in concentration.

We are looking forward to the coming weeks when the shows will begin to "get on their feet" as they head into the staging and blocking component of the process. It is really pretty amazing to see the different pieces of the puzzle come together as the process rolls on. While the rehearsals with the cast are in process, there is additional preparation happening with other aspects of the festival. Everything from lighting to ticket sales, there is a lot that goes into making a production a reality, and we are excited to see it all unfold.
Maria Hayden
Endstation Blogger and Production Manager
1 comment:
I would have liked to be there too to make revisions. I played Montague in the original and if I do say so myself made quite quite an impression. It would have been more if that bastard Burbage hadn't made me cut Montague's best scenes and pad Romeo's part. I am more sinned against than sinning, let me tell you. I was young then, and signed away the publication and ancillary rights or would have really been set up. I am fortune's fool.
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